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Introducing Dr. Autumn Whitson!

Dr. Autumn Whitson Teaching Casting

Congratulations are in order!

Autumn Whitson, EKU Athletic Training Program's Clinical Lab Supervisor, completed her doctoral defense, "Epidemiology of Upper Extremity Injuries in High School Sports", last week and will now be known as Dr. Autumn Whitson! During her time as full-time faculty, she has worked to balanced her full-time responsibilities while collecting, analyzing and writing frantically to finish this project and wrap up her doctoral studies. All those that have been through it understand the challenges that go along with the process but she is the first EKU faculty to do this through a pandemic! If you have a chance, take some time and send her a note of congratulations as she begins her post-doctoral decompression and the start of a new semester!


Contact Information

Autumn Whitson

Published on July 29, 2021

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